When I first met you..

Our prime purpose in life is to help others.
If you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.

When I first met you, I had no idea you'd become this important to me. How to be lie on what you're see ?? Guess, we have the same interests..the same "resort"..

 I’d look forward to going to my “resort” after a day’s work, and even more after feeling some pressure. Resort on hobby..yess..hobby.Here’s the thing that I've come to notice. After you let me fall, it is like a common thing for me to feel more pressure. Naturally, the pressure is higher. But the time I spend to visit the “resorts” became too limited. Most of the time I don’t seem to find the time to go. So for you out there, if you grant me that few hours in a week for us to blow off some steam, I promise you, I’ll come back to you feeling like you just gave you something huge, and we’ll be ready to give it all back to you by loving you more and more. Now, I'm just thinking that I just stop and stare here..I'm just realized is it you feel the same or I'm just dream up all of this ? For a second, I'll move again..Do you I fall in you? Are you too??? I'm clueless.. Dear, sleeping is nice, to forget about everything for a while. Your lips say "just friends" but your eyes say so much more...It's okay, never mind. I'm not perasan..ehehe.  Sometimes you just need your space, so you can figure out how you fit into someone else's. Give as much as you gives, hide whatever you hides. The game of chase or hide and seek that the game you're love to play. I'm move again, I smile because that is a symbol of hope & strength..God, gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers. I will not wishing I'm someone else, I'm just proud to be myself.I never know who has been looking at me wishing they were me.. :)))

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